=inet_aton('".$remote_address."') "; $country_exec = mysql_query($country_query,$conn); // Fetching the record set into an array $ccode_array = mysql_fetch_array($country_exec); // getting the country code from the array $country_code = $ccode_array['country_code2']; // getting the country name from the array $country_name = $ccode_array['country_name']; // Display the Visitor coountry information //echo "$country_code - $country_name"; ?>

Off: 302.725.0624

6200 Kirby RD
Milford, DE 19963

Office Hours:
MON - SAT 9:00AM - 5:00PM (EST)
SUN: available by chat or email only

First Name:
Last Name:
Company Name:
Phone Number:
E-Mail Address:
Subject: :
Your Message:
_BLOCK_; if ($op != "ds") { echo "$form_block"; } else if ($op == "ds") { $to_process = ''; if ( (preg_match("(http)",$comment)) || (preg_match("(mailto)",$comment)) || (preg_match("(href)",$comment)) || (preg_match("(wget)",$comment)) || (preg_match("(www)",$comment)) || (preg_match("(url=http)",$comment)) || (preg_match("(url=wget)",$comment)) || (preg_match("(url=mail:)",$comment)) || (preg_match("(link=http)",$comment)) || (preg_match("(link=mail)",$comment)) || (preg_match("(link=wget)",$comment)) || (preg_match("(.com)",$comment)) || (preg_match("(.net)",$comment)) || (preg_match("(.org)",$comment)) || (preg_match("(.info)",$comment)) || (preg_match("(.biz)",$comment)) || (preg_match("(.tv)",$comment)) || (preg_match("(.ca)",$comment)) || (preg_match("(.de)",$comment)) || (preg_match("(.us)",$comment)) || (preg_match("(.uk)",$comment)) || (preg_match("(.ru)",$comment)) ){ $to_process = "no"; } if ($to_process != "no"){ /// Error checking for form input fields /// Check First Name Field if ($firstname == "") { $firstname_err = "First Name Required! "; $send = $send + 1; } if (strlen($firstname) <2){ $firstname_err = "First Name Required!"; $send = $send + 1; } /// Check Last Name Field if ($lastname == "") { $lastname_err = "Last Name Required!"; $send = $send + 1; } if (strlen($lastname) <2){ $lastname_err = "Last Name Required!"; $send = $send + 1; } /// Check EMail Address if (!preg_match("/\w+([-+.]\w+)*@\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([-.]\w+)*/", $email)) { $email_err = "Email required!"; $send = $send + 1; } // Subject check recipient if ( ($subjecta == "none selected") || ($subjecta == "") ) { $subjecta_err = "A Subject is required!"; $send = $send + 1; } /// Check Comment Field if ( ($comment == "") || (strlen($comment) <5) ) { $comment_err = "Comment(s) Required!"; $send = $send + 1; } if ($send == 0) { if (($subjecta != "") || ($subjecta != "none selected")){ if ($subjecta == "I need a Quote"){ $OUREMAIL = "Kit@iWebbIt.com"; $WHO = "Kit @ iWebbIt"; } if ($subjecta == "I have some questions"){ $OUREMAIL = "Kit@iWebbIt.com"; $WHO = "Kit @ iWebbIt"; } if ($subjecta == "Please call me"){ $OUREMAIL = "Kit@iWebbIt.com"; $WHO = "Kit @ iWebbIt"; } if ($subjecta == "Other"){ $OUREMAIL = "Kit@iWebbIt.com"; $WHO = "Kit @ iWebbIt"; } $offcolor = array('fuck', 'FUCK', 'SHIT', 'shit', 'fucking', 'FUCKING', 'fucker', 'FUCKER', 'BASTARD', 'bastard', 'bitch', 'BITCH', 'mother fucker', 'MOTHER FUCKER', 'PENIS', 'penis', 'prick', 'cunt', 'CUNT', 'pussy', 'PUSSY'); $firstname = str_replace($offcolor, '!@#$', $firstname); $lastname = str_replace($offcolor, '!@#$', $lastname); $compname = str_replace($offcolor, '!@#$', $compname); $phone = str_replace($offcolor, '!@#$', $phone); $comment = str_replace($offcolor, '!@#$', $comment); /// Mail being sent to server POP account $msg .= "Dear "; $msg .= $WHO; $msg .= ", \n\n"; $msg .= "Recent Message from Web Site. \n\n"; $msg .= "Company Name: "; $msg .= "$compname \n\n"; $msg .= "Phone: "; $msg .= "$phone \n\n"; $msg .= "Comment from visitor: \n"; $msg .= "$comment \n\n"; $msg .= "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \n"; $msg .= "Email was sent from $remote_address IP address.\n"; $msg .= "Using $agent \n"; $msg .= "Date: $todaysdate Server Time: $servertime \n"; $msg .= "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \n\n"; $to = $OUREMAIL; $subject = $subjecta; $mailheaders ="From: $email - $firstname $lastname\n"; $mailheaders .="Reply-To: $email\n"; $mailheaders .="Subject: $subject\n\n"; mail($to, $subject, $msg, $mailheaders); echo "

Thank You for the EMail.

"; echo "

Your EMail has been sent.

"; echo "


"; echo "


"; echo "

Email was sent from $remote_address IP address.

"; echo "

Using $agent

"; echo "

Date: $todaysdateServer Time: $servertime

"; echo "

"; $mail_sent = "yes"; $msg = ""; } if ($mail_sent == "yes") { /// Now send letter to Visitor using main and P.S. text files $msg .= "Dear $firstname $lastname,\n\n"; $msg .= $LTR_bdy ; $msg .= "\n\n"; $msg .= $WHO; $msg .= "\n"; $msg .= "mailto:"; $msg .= $OUREMAIL; $msg .= "\n"; $msg .= $BASEURL; $msg .= "\n\n\n"; $msg .= "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n"; $msg .= "Email was sent from $remote_address IP address.\n"; $msg .= "Using the follwing EMail Address: $arr[1]@$arr[2].$arr[3]\n"; $msg .= "Using $agent \n"; $msg .= "Date: $todaysdate Server Time: $servertime \n"; $msg .= "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n"; $msg .= "$PS_bdy"; $to = $email; $subject = "$formname"; $mailheaders ="From: "; // $from - $mailheaders .= $WHO; $mailheaders .="\n"; $mailheaders .="Reply-To: "; $mailheaders .= $OUREMAIL; $mailheaders .="\n"; mail($to, $subject, $msg, $mailheaders); $mail_sent = "yes"; } } else if ($send > 0) { echo "
$form_block $firstname_err






"; } }else{ print "

We do not accept links in this form. If you need Support please open a Support ticket for your web site using this link "; print '
Support Ticket'; } } ?>

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