$title = "We are here to assist you. Our Contact Form is the best method of doing that. "; $description = "We are here to help you. Please complete our contact form with the information we need to be able to assist you. Thank you for contacting us."; $keywords = "ask your web hosting questions, web site inquiries, Internet services request"; include("header.php"); if ($HTTP_POST_VARS['subjecta'] != ''){ $subjecta = $HTTP_POST_VARS['subjecta']; }elseif ($HTTP_GET_VARS['subjecta'] !=''){ $subjecta = $HTTP_GET_VARS['subjecta']; } ?>
| ||
$TD_width = "140";
$BASEURL = "www.iWebbIt.com"; /// this is the URL of the web site you are preparing this for
$formname = "Receipt of online email"; // used as the subject line of email to Visitor
// Date function
$todaysdate = date('m/d/Y', // Date format is just year (4 digits) month (2 digits) day (2 digits) no separators
mktime( 0,0,0,
$createsate = "$todaysdate";
$year = date('Y', // Date format is just year (4 digits) month (2 digits) day (2 digits) no separators
mktime( 0,0,0,
// You can adjust the time out put for clock if you need to. I am using this
// for a Server Time Stamp, comparing variables from News Feed system.
// Have not built in any other features like Day light Savings, cause it is
// not used here.
// $hourdiff is used to change the calculation of the hour from the server setup which is USA East Coast
// The server time does adjust for Daylight Savings Time
$hourdiff = 0;
$timeadjust = ($hourdiff * 60 * 60); // Calculate out amount of seconds to adjust clock
$servertime = date(" g:i A",mktime() + $timeadjust); // Unix time stamp - just Hour and minute, with separators
$createtime = "$servertime";
/// Obtain User information IP address and Browser Type
$remote_address = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");
/// Get Browser type
$agent = getenv("HTTP_USER_AGENT");
$LTR_bdy = "This is an automated response to your inquiry. Just as
you have received this response from me, please feel confident that
your E-Mail is sitting in my In-Box.
We are very excited about the additional services www.WebbIT.us
now offers.
With redundent backbone connections, server(s) preformance monitoring
services, data backed up every 24 hours, with off site backups that span
up to four weeks, we only need to establish your web site or company
WebbIT approaches service from a small business mentality. Offering
customized personal and business solutions. Ranging from Flash based home
pages with dynamic radio players to fully developed backend business operations
for sales tracking, order creation, tracking manufacturing, employee time cards
and reporting.
We appreciate being of service to you and thank you very much for your EMail. ";
$PS_bdy = "P.S.
This E-Mail Box is for OUR business use. Spam is not welcome and will be
reported on the second offense. Thank you for removing us from your list
if this applies to you or this email.";
// Main file to pull automated response from - pull file
$form_block = "
if ($op != "ds") {
echo "$form_block";
else if ($op == "ds") {
$to_process = '';
if ( (ereg("(http)",$comment)) || (ereg("(mailto)",$comment)) || (ereg("(href)",$comment)) ){
$to_process = "no";
if ($to_process != "no"){
/// Error checking for form input fields
/// Check First Name Field
if ($firstname == "") {
$firstname_err = "First Name Required!
$send = $send + 1;
if (strlen($firstname) <2){
$firstname_err = "First Name Required!";
$send = $send + 1;
if (eregi ("^.+[a-z0-9-]{1,}$", $firstname)) {
$firstname_err = "First Name Required!";
$send = $send + 1;
/// Check Last Name Field
if ($lastname == "") {
$lastname_err = "Last Name Required!";
$send = $send + 1;
if (strlen($lastname) <2){
$lastname_err = "Last Name Required!";
$send = $send + 1;
if (eregi ("^.+[a-z0-9-]{1,}$", $lastname)) {
$lastname_err = "Last Name Required!";
$send = $send + 1;
/// Check EMail Address
if (ereg("^(.+)@(.+)\\.(.+)$",$email, $arr)){
// $email_err = "address: $arr[0] U.N. $arr[1] D.N. $arr[2] T L $arr[3]";
$email_err = "Complete E-Mail Address!";
$send = $send + 1;
// Subject check recipient
if ( ($subjecta == "none selected") || ($subjecta == "") ) {
$subjecta_err = "A Subject is required!";
$send = $send + 1;
/// Check Comment Field
if ( ($comment == "") || (strlen($comment) <5) ) {
$comment_err = "Comment(s) Required!";
$send = $send + 1;
if ($send == 0) {
if (($subjecta != "") || ($subjecta != "none selected")){
if ($subjecta == "I need a Quote"){
$OUREMAIL = "Kit@iWebbIt.com";
$WHO = "Kit @ iWebbIt";
if ($subjecta == "I have some questions"){
$OUREMAIL = "Kit@iWebbIt.com";
$WHO = "Kit @ iWebbIt";
if ($subjecta == "Please call me"){
$OUREMAIL = "Kit@iWebbIt.com";
$WHO = "Kit @ iWebbIt";
if ($subjecta == "Other"){
$OUREMAIL = "Kit@iWebbIt.com";
$WHO = "Kit @ iWebbIt";
$offcolor = array('fuck', 'FUCK', 'SHIT', 'shit', 'fucking', 'FUCKING', 'fucker', 'FUCKER', 'BASTARD', 'bastard', 'bitch', 'BITCH', 'mother fucker', 'MOTHER FUCKER', 'PENIS', 'penis', 'prick', 'cunt', 'CUNT', 'pussy', 'PUSSY');
$firstname = str_replace($offcolor, '!@#$', $firstname);
$lastname = str_replace($offcolor, '!@#$', $lastname);
$compname = str_replace($offcolor, '!@#$', $compname);
$phone = str_replace($offcolor, '!@#$', $phone);
$comment = str_replace($offcolor, '!@#$', $comment);
/// Mail being sent to server POP account
$msg .= "Dear ";
$msg .= $WHO;
$msg .= ", \n\n";
$msg .= "Recent Message from Web Site. \n\n";
$msg .= "Company Name: ";
$msg .= "$compname \n\n";
$msg .= "Phone: ";
$msg .= "$phone \n\n";
$msg .= "Comment from visitor: \n";
$msg .= "$comment \n\n";
$msg .= "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \n";
$msg .= "Email was sent from $remote_address IP address.\n";
$msg .= "Using $agent \n";
$msg .= "Date: $todaysdate Server Time: $servertime \n";
$msg .= "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \n\n";
$to = $OUREMAIL;
$subject = $subjecta;
$mailheaders ="From: $email - $firstname $lastname\n";
$mailheaders .="Reply-To: $email\n";
$mailheaders .="Subject: $subject\n\n";
mail($to, $subject, $msg, $mailheaders);
echo "
Thank You for the EMail. "; echo "Your EMail has been sent. "; echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "; echo "$arr[1]@$arr[2].$arr[3] "; echo "Email was sent from $remote_address IP address. "; echo "Using $agent "; echo "Date: $todaysdateServer Time: $servertime "; echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
We do not accept links in this form. If you need Support please open a Support ticket for your web site using this link "; print 'Support Ticket'; } } ?> |
include ('footer.php'); ?> |