
We started in web development as a course of necessity. Having problems getting our webmaster at the time to accomplish simple tasks led us into the practicality of doing the work on our web site(s). At that time everything was hand coded and hosting was very expensive.

Since then we have moved into web services design and support along with managing our own servers, all driven out of necessity.  

Our approach continues to be from a customer’s point of view, “what would our expectations be in this circumstance”. 

•	So we monitor our servers through out the day for 1) Email delivery situations, 2) Content delivery, 3) Connectivity to the server, 4) Responsiveness of the server to specific information requests, 5) Security issues.
•	We allow custom configurations to customer’s web space, as long as it does not compromise the security of the server.
•	We have been known to notify customers when email they have send won’t be delivered due to a miss-spelled email address.
•	We monitor your email inbox. Because we have come to depend on our email for communication we watch to make sure your emails are being delivered to you.
•	We provide a Support Ticket service to all customers as well as, email, IM and  telephone access in the event that you need assistance or help.

We have also found over the years that the datacenter, where your server is located contributes to the well being and responsiveness of your server. We are very fortunate to be working with Data393. Located in Denver Colorado they believe in, investing in their infrastructure. They are currently updating their power delivery, distribution and backup systems. They also provide access to three Internet backbones; in the case that one might go down (which happens from time to time) they have two others for backup. In the event we need their assistance they provide us with 24 hour support, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

For the most part our customers have come to us to design and manage their web site. In some cases this involves Flash presentations for MP3 players or Photo Galleries, Content Publishing Systems, Calendars, incorporating local MLS® databases, database driven Shopping Cart integration with PayPal’s IPN service and custom backend business systems to manage customer orders, tracking manufacturing, labor reporting and status reports.  

We started moving backend business operations onto Internet based servers (several years ago), relieving the TOC of IT departments, allowing access to important information to managers and owners, where ever they may be.

I would like to think that we are single minded in our efforts, creating stable, easy to use  and cost effective solutions to your needs.

Always, To Your Success!
Kit Creighton